Late Summer Sir Benjamin of Malbrough crosses the border at Rooster Claw into Wondon to conquer Wondon.

When Sir Thomas of Wondon recieves the news from Eliot Full, he orders his Stableman, Natan Meligan, to take his wife and own children, Nicolas and Christina, and Lady Rebecca and their children, Sir William and Lady Stefani down to the old Witch Cottage in the Deep Forest, and protect them.

Late Autumn At Logger's Dell, Lady Rebecca of Wondon is killed, Sir William of Wondon and Nicolas Meligan get wounded,

Melanie Noneman comes to live at The Witch Cottage. Together, Nancy Meligan and Melanie Noneman takes care of Sir William of Wondon and Nicolas Meligan.


Christina starts helping her mother in the kitchen.


Spring Equinox Frank Noneman and Christina Meligan starts dating